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Canberra to Mogo
Black Dog Institute’s Vision: A mentally healthier world.

Black dog institute aim to enable mentally healthier lives through innovations in science, medicine, education, public policy and knowledge translation.


The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by poor mental health. The Black Dog Institute is the world leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.


With representatives across the country, their primary focus is the development and publicising the knowledge needed to understand, prevent and treat the significant mental health challenges facing the world. All of their work is based on scientific and clinical evidence. They aim to significantly reduce the incidence of mental illness and suicide, remove the stigma and empower all people to live the most mental healthy life possible.


Founded in 2002, the Black Dog Institute is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illnesses, and the promotion of wellbeing.


They aim to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through the rapid translation of high quality research into improved clinical treatments, increased accessibility to mental health services and delivery of long-term public health solutions.


Their unique approach incorporates clinical services with research, their health professional training and community education programs. They combine expertise in clinical management with innovative research to develop new, and more effective, strategies for people living with mental illness. The Black Dog Institute also place emphasis on teaching people to recognise the symptom of poor mental health in themselves and others, as well as providing them with the right psychological tools to hold the black dog at bay.


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The Black Dog Snapshot mobile phone app is designed to help you to keep track of your mental wellbeing.
Designed by researchers at the Black Dog Institute, Snapshot is a confidential, password-protected tool that enables you to measure and monitor your mental health and wellbeing. It is designed for use among Australian adults.

By assessing your general happiness, mood, and anxiety, as well as work stress, sleep, social support and alcohol intake, this app provides general feedback and options for online and offline help-seeking services in Australia.


You can download the app here:

Black Dog Snapshot
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